Accelerated Reader Information

What is Accelerated Reader™?

Accelerated Reader™ (AR) is a whole class monitoring programme that we use at Manningtree High School to help encourage independent reading. It is currently the most popular reading practice software in UK schools. Developed by Renaissance Learning, it allows teachers to monitor the reading development and practices of their students and provides tools to quickly ascertain their reading level, reading age and comprehension level.

Students read a book of their choice, take an online quiz and get immediate feedback. They are aided in their selection of the next book by the monitoring software which will guide the level of difficulty for their choice. The programme encourages our students to read independently and more importantly at their own pace and level. At MHS we have a range of books at each level, to support students’ choices.

Renaissance Learning assesses and assign an AR Book level and book points to each of thousands of newly published books each year. Schools, pupils and parents can look up the Accelerated Reader™ Level of individual books using the AR Bookfind website

For more details about how we use AR at MHS please contact Miss N Gower – Head of English, Mrs C Goldberg – 2nd in English & Media, or Mrs S Lane – Library Manager.