Careers (CEIAG)

Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

The CEIAG team at Manningtree High School is committed to preparing students for their future education, training, and employment. The quality of our careers provision has been recognised by our latest OFSTED report in May 2018.

The Careers Team

Liz Thurlow (Deputy Headteacher responsible for Careers)

Fran Rowe (CEIAG Co-ordinator)

01206 392852

Allison Morgan (PSHE lead)

Sarah Pawlewski (Careers Advisor)

Claire Sutcliffe (Careers Advisor)

Vicky Addis (Careers Advisor)

Lara Ridley (Careers Advice Admin Support)


Manningtree High School Careers provision aims:

  • To enable students to develop a knowledge and understanding of education, training, and employment through investigating opportunities available to them at a local, national, and international level
  • To support students in developing and implementing action plans with the Independent Careers Advisor so that they can take ownership of their own future at and beyond Key Stage 4.
  • To support students in their applications for post-16 education.
  • To provide opportunities to develop enterprise and employment skills.
  • To promote equality of opportunity, challenge stereotyping and support inclusion.
  • To help students develop an understanding of themselves and others.

Careers Elements

Personalised Careers Guidance: during KS4 all pupils will receive an individual careers guidance interview with a level 7 qualified independent careers advisor

Careers Advice: group sessions on different aspects of further study and careers takes place during focus days and period R sessions. Careers knowledge, skills and experiences are also developed during focus days and period R sessions.

Curriculum Focuses: topics and individual lessons within subjects focus on different aspects of careers (e.g., employment sectors in Geography, persuasive writing in English).

Careers Events: we provide opportunities for students in every year group to develop their careers knowledge, skills, expertise, and experiences through career events. These events range from the post-16 information evening to taster days and options assemblies.

Local Education and Training Provider Links: We work closely with local education and training providers to ensure that students and parents are aware of the different pathways available to them (e.g., A Levels, vocational courses, apprenticeships, technical qualifications). Students have the opportunity to meet local education and training providers in post-16 assemblies and at the post-16 information evening.

Employers and Employee Links: We work with local employers and employees to provide opportunities for students to learn about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace.

For the Manningtree High School internal careers website please click here

Date of the next review for all Careers information published on these pages : December 2024