Members of our Governing Body

Governing Body Members:
Dates following Governors’ names show the end of their current term of office. Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors at the school.

Alpha Trust (MAT) appointed Governors (Maximum 4)

Eileen Clucas 07/09/2024
Laura Howard 31/08/2025
Sarah Rees 31/08/2025 (Chair of Governors)

Local Governing Body appointed Governors (Maximum 4)

Emma Donegan 16/11/2024
Paul Lewis 16/11/2024

Vacancy x2

Parent Governors (Maximum 2)

Emma Gentry 23/03/2026
Peter Taplin 04/11/2026 (Vice Chair of Governors)

Parent Governors are appointed/elected by the parents of the school. Parent Governors may stand for re-election at the end of their term if they still have a child on the school roll. “Parent” is defined as anyone with parental responsibility for a child at the school.

Benjamin Briggs

Staff Governors (Maximum 2)
Brett Colley 09/11/2026
Emily Jones 04/07/2028

Staff Governors are elected by and from the staff at the school.

Clerk to Governors
Mrs Rachael Botley

Contacting the Governing Body

Governing Body minutes can be made available on request.

The Governing Body may be contacted via Mrs Rachael Botley (Clerk to Governors)

c/o Manningtree High School
Colchester Road
CO11 2BW

Tel: 01206 392852

Contacting the Alpha Multi Academy Trust: